
IWI offers here a bibliography of publications in English on canals and waterways.

We are indebted to the late Albright ‘Zip’ Zimmermann of the Canal Society of Pennsylvania and to Mark Baldwin, specialist bookseller in the UK and author of valuable, detailed bibliographies published in the 1980s, for their contributions, indicated in the last column.

The Area (last but one column) refers to the geographical scope of the book, not the publisher; hence, Int for international is applicable to some titles.

This listing offers the possibility of sorting on any column to help find the title you are interested in. Alternatively, use the query function to type a key name or word, which will then show all the corresponding titles.

IWI in the last column indicates that the title may be purchased through our on-line shop.
Bibliography editor: Janet Gascoigne

Amsterdam Sea and RhineportAssociation "The Port of Amsterdam"NEjg
Canal, Poems of the D&R, A Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park1999USz
Canals & inland waterways of England & Wales, with carriers thereon (With details of the six Regional Canal Committees)Canal Joint Committee1945UKmb
Canals and inland waterwaysNational Council for Inland Waterways1926UKmb
Canals and Railroads of the Mid-Atlantic States, 1800-1860Regional Economic History Research Center1981USz
Canals and traders: the argument pictorial as applied to the report of the Royal Commission on Canals and WaterwaysKing1910UKmb
Cape Cod Canal, Gateway to America's Intracoastal WaterwayUSACEUSz
Companion for Canal Passengers, A - "betwixt Edinburgh and Glasgow"Linlithgow Union Canal Society2022 (reprint)UKjg1st publ 1823
Delaware & Lehigh Canal National Heritage Corridor and State Heritage Park – Management Action PlanD&LCNHC Commission1993USz
Delaware & Raritan Canal and Camden and Amboy, Report of Investigation of the Affairs of theN.J. Legislature1850USz
Delaware & Raritan Canal Commission Annual Report1992USz
Delaware & Raritan Greenway, Reflections along the CanalBristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, N.J.1996USz
Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Design Guide1980USz
Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Development Guide1985USz
Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Development, Acquisition and Management Plan1996USz
Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Master Plan1977USz
Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Master Plan, Second Edition1989USz
Delaware and Raritan Canal, A Tribute to the, 1834-1984Middlesex County Cultural & Heritage CommissionUSz
Delaware and Raritan Canal, The, A 150th Anniversary Symposium1984USz
Erie Canal Bushnell's Basin to Medina, Field Trip May 1995CSNYS1995USz
Erie Canalway, Special Resource Study of the NY State Canal SystemNational Park Service1998USz
Freemansburg – History of a Canal Town5th Grade Language Arts Class1984USz
Heritage CanalsParks Canada1982CAz
Indiana CanalsCanal Soc. of Indiana1996USz
Inland transport and communication in England, A history ofPaul et al.1912UKmb
Inland waterways, Post-war policy for theCanal Joint Committee1945UKmb
Lehigh Canal, Lower Division, A Guide to theUSz
Leisure and the WaterwaysBritish Waterways Board1967UKjg
Lock 12 Historic Area – Lake Aldred, HoltwoodPennsylvania Power & Light Co.USz
Mercer County Stormwater Toxics Management Program: Delaware and Raritan Canal Conduit – Special Study, Trenton, New Jersey1980USz
Miami and Erie Canal, Discover Ohio'sMiami and Erie Canal CorridorUSz
Morris Canal in Warren County, N.J., Historic Preservation Survey of theMorris Canal Committee1987USz
Morris Canal Investigation Committee, Report of the1912USz
Morris Canal on Post Cards, The, Part TwoGarden State PC Club2002USz
Morris Canal, I Dig the (Morris Canal issue of Canal Currents)Pennsylvania Canal Society1986-87USz
Morris Canal, The, New Jersey's Mountain-Climbing WaterwayMacculloch Hall exhibit catalog1991USz
Nord-Pas-de-Calais Waterways Guide No. 15Editions du Breil2023FRjg
Ohio & Erie Canal Corridor Study, The (A Route to Prosperity)National Park Service1993USz
Oneida Lake and Its Canals, Field Trip May 1998CSNYS1998USz
Pictorial Guide to the Bridgwater and Taunton Canal, ABridgwater and Taunton Canal Wardens Service2010UKjg
Potomac River and the C&O Canal, The, Georgetown to Opequon CreekUSz
Princeton History (D&R issue)1983USz
Railroad and Canal Companies of the State of New Jersey, Annual Reports of1854USz
Railroad and Transportation CompaniesNew Jersey Legislature1850USz
Railway & Canal Traffic, Report of a meeting convened by the Mansion House Assn. onSinger1905UKmb
Railways and their rates: with an appendix on the British canal problemMurray1905UKmb
Scottish canals and waterwaysSelwyn & Blount1922UKmb
Tourists in an Industrial Scene, Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania (exhibit catalog)1983USz
Transport goes to war: the official story of British transport, 1939-1942HMSO1942UKmb
Waterways of the United States – Rivers, Harbors, Lakes, CanalsNational Assn. of River & Harbor Contractors1963USz
Waterways, The future of theInland Waterways Assn.1947UKmb
White, Josiah (History given by himself)1979 (repr.)USz
Chesapeake and Ohio CanalUD Dept. of the Interior1991USjg
Three Gorges ProjectChina Yangtze Three Gorges Project Development Corporation1997?CNjg
Guide to Inland Waterways of Poland, AMinistry of Infrastructure2022PLjg
International Waterway E70Pomeranian Voivideship2012PLjg
Waterways of BritainMosse, JonathanTimes Books2013UKjg
Grand Canal, TheConaghan, Michael; Gleeson, Oliver; Maddock, Alison: EditorsStationery Office1991IEjg
Waterways of Northern IrelandDibb, Geoffrey (Editor)Link House Publications1968UKjg
Sankey Navigation, TheBarker, T CSankey Canal Restoration Society1990UKjg
Narrow CanalsGagg, JohnJohn Gagg1979UKjg
Thames Passport Curtis, RoyMacdonald1970UKjg
Panama and the CanalAbbot, Willis JSyndicate Publishing1913PAjg
Erie Canal, Marco Polo's Travels on theAbbott, Jacob1843USz
Tugs, Barges and Me: Manchester Ship Canal and Bridgewater Canal memoriesAbram, JakeNeil Richardson1996UKjg
Rideau Cruise, The Kingston to Ottawa (Personal Guide)Ackert, Heather1988CAz
Thames: Sacred RiverAckroyd, PeterChatto and Windus2007UKjg
Hudson through the Years, TheAdams, Arthur GFordham University Press1996USjg
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, Report on Internal Improvements re theAdams, John Quincy1826USz
Canal Town:Adams, Samuel HopkinsJohn Long Ltd>1939-1945UKjgSet on the Erie Canal
Erie Canal, TheAdams, Samuel HopkinsRandom House1953USjg
Along the ArunAdamson, JohnAlexius Press2014UKjg
Know your WaterwaysAickman, RobertGeoffrey Dibb1967?UKjg1st publ. 1955
River Runs Uphill, TheAickman, RobertJM Pearson1986UKjg
Story of our Inland Waterways, TheAickman, RobertPitman1955UKjg
Welland Canal Company, TheAitken, Hugh G.J.1997CAz
Towpath TrailsAllsop, N and Pearson, M Pearson1986UKjg
Images of the Kennet and AvonAllsop, NiallRedcliffe1987UKjg
Kennet and Avon Canal, TheAllsop, NiallMillstream Books1992UKjg1st publ. 1987
Somersetshire Coal Canal Rediscovered - TheAllsop, NiallMillstream Books1993UKjg1st publ. 1988
Working BoatsAlsop, Roger
Dodkins, Graham
David & Charles1988UKjg
Canals and Inland Waterways of MaineAnderson, Hayden L.V.1982USz
Leicestershire CanalsAnderson, John1983UKjg1st publ. 1976
Genesee Valley Canal, 1836-1878, TheAnderson, Mildred1978USz
Artist AfloatAnfuso, Linda AnnInterset Press2001UKjg
Respectable Ditch, A - a history of the Trent-Severn Waterway 1833-1920Angus, James T1988CAjg
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, TheAnthes, GarySchiffer2013USjg
Down the DanubeArnold, GuyCassell1989INTjg
Llangollen Canal, TheArnold, HarryLandmark2008UKjg
English Rivers and CanalsAtterbury, PaulW W Norton and Co1984UKjg
Exploring Britain's CanalsAtterbury, PaulHarper Collins1994UKjg
Caravan Afloat, AAubertin, C JShepperton Swan1982 UKjg1st publ. 1916 by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton Kent & Co.
Rivers of the SouthAustin, A BFrederick Muller1938UKjg
Medway Shore, TheAustin, John KRainmore Books2007UKjg
Yesterday's MedwayAustin, John KRainmore Books2006UKjg
Adrift "A secret life of London's waterways"Babbs, HelenIcon Books2016UKjg
RhineBaedekerAutomobile Assocation1985INTjg
Avon VoyageBaker, BobAbsolute Press1982UKjg
Ohio Canals, Small Stories of the (The Big Ditch)Baker, Jim1983USz
Indianapolis Central Canal, A History of the, 1835-2002Bakken, J. Darrell2003USz
Gongoozlers at the GateBalchin, KathleenSilverswan1997UKjg
Canal BooksBaldwin, MarkM&M Baldwin1984INTjg
Canals - A New Look Studies in Honour of Charles HadfieldBaldwin, Mark (ed.) Burton, AnthonyPhillimore1984INT
Lehigh Canal, Lower and Upper Divisions, A Guide to theBarber, DavidUSz
Delaware & Hudson Canal, A Guide to theBarber, David G.2003US
River of Dreams – The Saga of the Shubenacadie CanalBarnett, Donna2002CAz
Barnsley Canal, TheBarnsley Canal Group1995UKjg
Dearne and Dove Canal - the vital linkBarnsley Canal Group1991UKjg
Canal Sites along Interstate I-95, A Driving Guide toBarth, Linda J.2001USz
Delaware and Raritan Canal at Work, TheBarth, Linda J.2004USz
Delaware and Raritan Canal, TheBarth, Linda J.2002USz
Delaware and Lehigh CanalsBartholomew, Ann
Metz, Lance E.
Rhine, from its source to the sea, TheBartley, G C TJ S Virtue and Company1888INTjg
Canal Boat, Life on a (Journals)Bartley, Theodore2005USz
Lost Rivers of London, TheBarton, NicholasBCA1993UKjg1st publ 1962
Rambles on the Basingstoke CanalBasingstoke Canal SocietyBasingstoke Canal Society2017UKjg
Down the RiverBates, H EVictor Gollancz1987UKjg1st publ 1937
Arcadian ThamesBatey, Mavis
Buttery, Henrietta Lambert, David
Wilkie, Kim
Barn Elms Publishing1994UKjg
Birmingham Canal NavigationsBCN Working PartyBritish Waterways Board1970UKjg
Birmingham Canal NavigationsBCNSTraffic Education Publications1977UKjg
Canals and navigable rivers, Upon - showing their vast importanceBeadon, GeorgeChapman & Hall1848UKmb
Great Towpath Walk, TheBearshaw, BrianRobert Hale1988UKjg
Towpaths of EnglandBearshaw, BrianComet1986UKjg
Telford's BritainBeckett, DerrickDavid & Charles1987UKjg
Yesterdays of the Grand Rapids, TheBelknap, Charles EDean Hicks Company1922USjg
River of LakesBelleville, BillUniversity of Georgia Press2000USAjg
Life on a Canal Boat: The Journals of Theodore D Bartley 1861-1889. Boating on the waterways of Canada and North Eastern USA Bellico, Russell P (ed.)Purple Mountain Press2004USjg
Historic Thames, TheBelloc, HilaireWebb and Bower1988UKjg1st publ. 1907
River of London, TheBelloc, HilaireT N Foulis1912UKjg
Waterways of War - The Turning Point of the American RevolutionBenson, SteveLakes to Locks Passage Inc2016USjg
Waterways of War - The French and Indian WarBenson, Steve and Toelke, RonLakes to Locks Passage Inc2016USjg
Thames - a picture book, TheBergstrom, TheoBergstrom + Boyle1975UKjg
Erie Canal and the Making of a Great Nation, The (Wedding of the Waters)Bernstein, Peter L.2005USz
Kennet and Avon Navigation - a history, TheBerry, WarrenPhillimore2009UKjg
Hereford and Gloucester Canal, TheBick, DavidOakwood1979UKpb
Turning back the pages on Nottinghamshire CanalsBickel, Ray and JoanneNottinghamshire County Council2010UKjg
200 Years of the Lancaster CanalBiddle, GordonPen and Sword2018UKpb
Lancashire WaterwaysBiddle, GordonDalesman1980UKjg
Pennine WaterwayBiddle, GordonDalesman1979UKjg
Inland Cruisers - Care and MaintenanceBillingham, NickCrowood Press1995UKjg
Stratford CanalBillingham, NickHistory Press2002UKjg
By Lock and PoundBird, VivianM&M Baldwin1988UKjg
Black Country CanalsBlack Country MuseumBlack Country Museum1991UKjg
Strange Adventures of a Houseboat, TheBlack, WilliamSampson, Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington1988UKjg
Walking along the Chesterfield CanalBlackburn, DavidChesterfield Canal Trust2022UKjg
At the heart of the waterwaysBlagrove, DavidBuchebroc Press2006UKjg1st publ. 1996
Bread Upon the WatersBlagrove, DavidJ M Pearson1984UKjgReissued 1995 by M&M Baldwin
Canal at Stoke Bruerne, TheBlagrove, David1971UKjgReprinted 1999
Inland Waterways Association, TheBlagrove, DavidTempus Publishing2006UK
Quiet Waters By, theBlagrove, DavidM&M Baldwin1998UKjg
Waterways of NorthamptonshireBlagrove, DavidNorthamptonshire Libraries1990UKpb
Waterways and Canal Building in Medieval EnglandBlair, John (Ed.)OUP2007UKpb
Canal Du Midi, TheBlancotte, BernardFRz
Heart of England by WaterwayBliss, WH F & G Witherby1933UKpb
Canals, Handbook on (information relating to controlled canals, lists of the towns and public carriers)Board of Trade, Canal Control CommitteeHMSO1918UKmb
James BrindleyBode, HaroldShire1973UKjg
Canals and WaterwaysBody, A HGreater Manchester Council1975UKjg
Glastonbury Canal, TheBody, Geoffrey and Gallop, RoyFiducia Oress2001UKjg
In the Wake of Three Men in a Boat
Bolland, R R
Oast Books1995UKjg
Journey withour EendBolton, DavidMethuen1987UKjg
Race against Time: how Britain's waterways were savedBolton, DavidMethuen1990UKpb
My Holidays on Inland WaterwaysBonthron, PThomas Murby1916UKjg
Railways and canals, The carrying question stated, in reference toBooth, HenryBaines (pr)1841UKmb
Hadfield, Charles, Canal Man & MoreBoughey, James Hadfield, CharlesSutton Publishing1998UKiwi
Pageant of transport through the ages, TheBoulton, W.H.Low et al1931UKmb
Floating West: the Erie and other American CanalsBourne, RussellNorton1992USAjg
Burry Port and Gwendreath Valley Railway and its Antecedent Canals, TheBowen, RaymondOakwood2001UKpb
Ponds, Tonzs and BoortsBownes, DavidChesterfield Canal Trust2018UKjg
Channel to the Med, theBowskill, DerekRedwood Books1995FRjg
Northeast WaterwaysBowskill, GerekImray, Laurie Norie and Wilson1986UKjg
Along the CanalBowyer, ValerieAshgrove Press1985UKjgKennet and Avon Canal
Walk along the canal in Bath, ABowyer, ValerieKingsmead1976UKjg
Walk along the canal in Bath, ABowyer, Valerie EKingsmead Press1976UKjg
Peak Forest Canal and Railway, TheBoyes, Grahame and Lamb, BrianRCHS2012UKpb
Canals of Eastern England, TheBoyes, John and Russel, RolandDavid & Charles1977UKpb
Railways and Canals, The law relating to traffic onBoyle, Edward Waghorn, ThomasClowes1901UKmb
Canals! Hope for the (Showing the evils of amalgamations with railways)Boyle, ThomasSimpkin et al1848UKmb
American Waterways: Canal DaysBracken, Jeanne Munn1997USz
Canal WalksBradbury,JuliaFrances Lincoln2011UKjg
River JourneysBraddon, Russell et alBBC Books1984INTjg
Avon and Shakespeare's Country, TheBradley, A GMethuen1910UKjg
Rivers & streams of England, TheBradley, Arthur G.Black1909UKmb
Canals & navigable rivers of the Midland Counties of England, Map of theBradshaw, GeorgePrentice (pr)1829UKmb
Canals, navigable rivers and railways, Lengths and levels to Bradshaw's maps ofBradshaw, GeorgeWhite (pr)1832UKmb
Canals, navigable rivers, and railways, in the principal part of England, Lengths and levels to Bradshaw's maps of theBradshaw, GeorgeRuff1833UKmb
Canals in TownsBraithwaite, LewisAdam & Charles Black1976UKpb
Leonardo's Waterway Heritage, Restoration of - The Adda systemBricchetti, Prof. Edo
tr. Edwards-May, David
Regione Lombardia1998ITem
Great canals [Discovery Books series]Bridges, Thomas C.Nelson1936UKmb
Down the ThamesBriggs, MartinHerbert Jenkins1949UKjg
Inland navigations, The history of - particularly those of the Duke of BridgewaterBrindley, James (attr.)Lowndes1766UKmb
Through the Dutch and Belgian CanalsBristow, PhilipNautical Books1988INTjg
Through the Dutch CanalsBristow, PhilipNautical Publishing1974NEjg
Through the German WaterwaysBristow, PhilipNautical Books1988 DEjg1st published 1975
Through the French CanalsBristow, Philip, revised by David JeffersonAdlard Coles Nautical2006FRjgNumerous editions
Millennium Link Project, TheBritish WaterwaysBritish Waterways2003UK
Birmingham Canal Navigations, The, Vol 1, 1768-1846Broadbridge, S RDavid & Charles1974UKpbNote - Vol 2 never published.
Up the Cut: an anthology of inland waterwaysBroadhead, IvanAlan Sutton1994UKpb
Ireland considered, particularly with respect to inland navigation, The interests ofBrooke, HenryFaulkner1759UKmb
Crofton Story, The: History of the Crofton Pumping Station on the Kennet and Avon Canal.Broom, IanWilts Archaeological and Nat Hist Society2013UKjg
Up the Rhine and down the DanubeBrown, Derek RMelrose2009INTjg
Swans at my Window: life on a Thames houseboatBrown, GinnyHeinemann1960UKjg
Edinburgh to Glasgow Canals, Exploring theBrown, Hamish1997UKz
Trent-Severn Waterway, The, An Environmental ExplorationBrown, Lorraine1994CAz
Shropshire Union Canal, TheBrown, PeterRailway and Canal Historical Society2018UKpb
Shropshire Union Miscellany, ABrown, PeterP J Brown2021UKiwi
Working on the Hawkesbury: a memoirBrown, TrevorDeerubbin Press1997AUjg
Canals are my homeBryce, IrisKenneth Mason1979UKjg
Canals are my lifeBryce, IrisKenneth Mason1982UKjg
Canals are my worldBryce, IrisJ M Pearson1986UKjg
Avon Navigation, TheBuchanan, Brenda JBristol Industrial Archaeological Society2011UKjg1st publ. 1996
Bridgwater and Taunton Canal, TheBuchanan, C ASomerset Archaeological Soc1984UKjg
Life on the MIssissippiBuck, RinkerAvid Reader Press2022USjg
Salt and Sails Trail: River WeaverBurkhill-Howarth, DavidJohn Merrill Foundation2014UKjg
Inland navigation, draining of loughs, making entrances into ports, Burkitt's observations on theBurkitt, RobertCotter1755UKmb
To Maintain and Improve: the history of the Lower Avon TrustBurlingham, D HTempus2000UK
CanalBurton, A and Pratt, DDavid & Charles1980UKjg1st published 1976
Back Door BritainBurton, AnthonyAndre Deutsch1977UKjg
Caledonian Canal, TheBurton, Anthony1998UKjg
Canal Builders, TheBurton, AnthonyEyre Methuen1972UKjg
Canal Builders, TheBurton, AnthonyPen & Sword2015UKpb1st publ 1972
Canal ManiaBurton, AnthonyAurum Press1993UKjg
Canal Pioneers, TheBurton, AnthonyPen & Sword2017UKpb
Canals in ColourBurton, AnthonyBlandford Press1974UKjg
Changing River, TheBurton, AnthonyVictor Gollancz1982UKjg
Great Days of the Canals, TheBurton, AnthonyDavid & Charles1989UKjg
Thomas Telford: master builder of roads and canalsBurton, AnthonyPen & Sword2015UKpb
Waterways of Britain, TheBurton, AnthonyQuintet1983UKjg
Inland Waterways of the NetherlandsBusby, Louise and Broad, DavidImray, Lauire, Norie and Wilson2007NEjg
Aylesbury and Wendover Canals, TheBush, Bob and ElizabethAylesbury Canal Society1979UKjg
Railway & Canal Commission, The practice of the (Rules, 1889, and Railway & Canal Traffic Acts, 1854, 1873 and 1888)Butterworth, Alexander K.Butterworth1889UKmb
Rates and traffic on railways and canals, A treatise on the law relating toButterworth, Alexander K.Butterworth1889UKmb
Canals and inland waterwaysCadbury, George
Dobbs, Sealey P.
Grand Tour of England's WaterwaysCalder, JeanThornhill Press1994UKjg
Caldon and Uttoxeter Canals, TheCaldon and Uttoxeter Canals TrustCaldon and Uttoxeter Canals Trust2005UKjg
Caldon Canal, TheCaldon Canal SocietyCaldon Canal Society?1988UKjg
Inland Waterways of BritainCalvert, RogerIan Allan1963UKjg
Inland Waterways of EuropeCalvert, RogerGeorge Allen and Unwin1963Intjg
Caledonian Canal, TheCameron, A DCanongate1972UKpb
Introducing the Caledonian Canal in the Great GlenCameron, A DFirtree Publishing1997UKjh1st publ 1977
Impossible Dream, The - the building of the Panam CanalCameron, IanHodder and Stoughton1971PAjg
Canalboat Primer on the Canals of New York State, ACanal Museum1981USz
Victorian Boating Holidays on the Thames & Severn Canal and the Stroudwater Canal
Cannon, AlisonIndependent Publishing Network2022UKjg
Anderton Boat Lift, TheCarden, DavidBlack Dwarf2000UKpb
Foxton Inclined Plane, TheCarden, DavidBlack Dwarf2012UKpb
Guide to the Anderton Boat Lift, ACarden, David and Parkhouse, NeilBlack Dwarf Publications2013UKjg1st publ 2002
Canals and American Cities – Assessing the Impact of Canals on the Course of American Urban LifeCarlisle, Ronald C.1994USz
Thames Companion, ACarpenter, H and Pritchard, MOUP?1981UKjg
Forth and Clyde Canal Guidebook, TheCarter, Paul, EditorForth and Clyde Canal Guidebook, The2001UKjg1st publ 1985
Inland navigation, or select plans of the several navigable canals, throughout Great Britain (accompanied with abstracts of the different Acts of Parliament relative to them)Cary, Johnfor the author1795UKmb
IWAI and the waterways of IrelandCassells, BrianCottage Publications2014IEjg
Ulster Canal, TheCassells, BrianUlster Canal, The2015UKjg
Wabash & Erie Canal – I, Allen and Huntington CountiesCastaldi, Thomas E.2002USz
Wabash & Erie Canal – II, Cass, Carroll & Tippecanoe Cos.Castaldi, Thomas E.1998USz
Essay on Artificial Navigation: treatise on the Newry CanalCastle, Richard; transcribed by Peter White, abridged by Philip DonaldIWAI Newry and Portadown2015UKjg1st publ 1730
British canals, The future ofCawley, GeorgeWightman1902UKmb
Delaware and Raritan Canal, Along theCawley, James & M.1970USz
Erie, How the Irish Built theChalmers II, Harvey1964USz
Waterways ConservationChaplin, PeterWhitter Books1989UKpb
Narrow Boat Book, TheChaplin, TomTom Chaplin1978UKjg
Narrow BoatsChaplin, TomWhittet1989UKpbOriginally published 1978
Huddersfield Canals Towpath Guide, TheCharlesworth, Diane (Ed.)Huddersfiled Canal Society1981UKjg
Vagabond Voyage through Brittany, AChase, Mrs LewisHutchinson1915FRjg
Nottingham Canal: a history and guideChell, BernardTempus2006UKpb
Slow Boats to Europe: the English Channel to the Black SeaCherrett, TrevorMatador2017INTjg
Cheshire, Reflections on the Canal inCheshire Hist. Soc.1976USz
Other Sixty Miles, The: abandoned canals of BirminghamChester-Browne, Richard1991UKjg1st publ 1081
Chesterfield Canal, TheChesterfield Canal SocietyChesterfield Canal Society1986UKjg
Guide to the Chesterfield Canal, AChesterfield Canal TrustChesterfield Canal Trust2015UKjg
The Chesterfield CanalChesterfield Canal TrustChesterfield Canal Trust2014UKjg
St. Lawrence Seaway, TheChevrier, LionelMacmillan Company of Canada1959CAjg
Civil Engineering of Canals and Railways before 1850, The: Studies in the history of civil engineering Vol. 7Chrimes, Mike (Editor)Ashgate1997UKjg
Paddlesteamers and Riverboats of the River MurrayChristopher, Peter2001AUjg
Upgate and DowngateClark, Ernest "Boatie" ClarkHallamshire Press2000UKjg
Horncastle and Tattershall Canal, TheClark, J NOakwood1990UKjg
Horncastle and Tattershall Canal, TheClarke, J NOakwood1990UKpb
Aire and Calder Navigation, TheClarke, MikeTempus2000UKjgFirst published 1999.
Around and about the Leeds and Liverpool CanalClarke, MikeMilepost Research1992UKmc
Brightwork - Traditional Paintwork on Leeds and Liverpool Canal BoatsClarke, MikeMilepost Research2009UKmc
Leeds and Liverpool Canal - a history and guide, TheClarke, MikeCarnegie1990UKmc
Leeds and Liverpool Canal - its history and heritage, TheClarke, MikeMilepost Research2012UKmc
Liverpool and its CanalClarke, MikeLandmark2007UKmc
Railway on the WaterClarke, MikeSobriety Project1993UKmc
Technology, Economics, and Canal Development - an early technical book and what it revealsClarke, MikeRailway and Canal Historical Society2021UKjgIncludes a translation of "Instructions for the Design and Implementation of Navigable Canals" by Sebastian von Maillard, 1817
Royal Canal, The (The Complete Story)Clarke, Peter1992IEz
Century on the Mississippi, AClay, Floyd MUS Army Corps of Engineers1976USjg
Dorset and Somerset Canal, TheClew, KennethDavid & Charles1971UKpb
Exeter Canal, TheClew, KennethPhillimore1984UKpb
Kennet and Avon Canal, TheClew, KennethDavid & Charles1968UKpb
Somersetshire Coal Canal and Railways, TheClew, KennethDavid & Charles1970UKpb
Private Bill legislation, A history ofClifford, FrederickButterworth1885-7UKmb
Peterborough Hydraulic Lift Lock, TheCole, Jean Murray1987CAz
In Broken Water
Coles, Adlard
Adlard Coles Ltd
1956INTjg1st publ. 1925
Oxford Canal, TheCompton, HughDavid & Charles1976UKpb
Military on English Waterways, TheCompton, Hugh and Carr-Gomm, AntonyRCHS1991UKpb
Comparative cost of transport by railway and canal, Report on theConder, Francis R.Spottiswoode (pr)1882UKmb
Canals in BritainConder, TonyBloomsbury Shire2017UKjg
Gloucester & Sharpness Canal through time, TheConway-Jones, HughAmberley2013UKjg
Gloucester and Sharpness Canal, TheConway-Jones, HughAmberley2009UKpb
James Smart of Chalford - working life on the Cotswold Canals at ChalfordConway-Jones, HughBlack Dwarf2020UKjg
Working life on Severn and CanalConway-Jones, Hugh1990UKjg
Illinois and Michigan Canal, TheConzen, Michael P and Carr, Kay J (Editors)Northern Illinois University Press1988USjg
Byzantium, Back Door to (to the Black Sea by the great rivers of Europe)Cooper, Bill & LaurelSheridan House1997INTjg
Watersteps through FranceCooper, Bill and Laurel Adlard Coles Nautical1996FRjg
Kiwi AfloatCoppell, DorisCoppell, Doris2005UKjg
Walking on WaterCorble, NickBelmont2006UKjg
Troubled Waters: memoirs of a canal boatwomanCornish, MargaretRobert Hale1987UKpb
Tales from the Old Inland WaterwaysCorrie, EuanDavid & Charles2005UKjg1st publ 1998
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, TheCotton, RobertWindswept House Publishers1986USjg
Waters, sea, tidal and inland, The Law relating toCoulson, Henry J. W. Forbes, Urquhart A.Sweet1880 1952UKmb
Grantham Canal Today, TheCove-Smith, ChrisM D Mitchell1974UKjg
Liquid History - the Thames through TimeCroad, StephenBatsford2003UKjg
Basingstoke Canal, A history of theCrocker, Glenys, Cansdale, Roger and Jebens, DieterBasingstoke Canal Society2013UKjg1st publ 1973
Canals of Harley Crossley, TheCrossley, BarbaraAmberley2016UKjg
CanalsCrowe, NigelEnglish Heritage1994UKpb
Inland Waterways of Great Britain (8th ed.)Cumberlidge, JaneImray2009UK
Inland Waterways of IrelandCumberlidge, JaneImray2002IE
Railroad, navigation, and turnpike road, The comparative attraction and speed of steam engines on aCundy, Nicholas W.Hebert et al1834UKmb
Stroudwater, Thames and Severn Canals in old photographs, TheCuss, Edwin and Gardiner, Stanley (collected by)Alan Sutton1988UKjg
Emperor's River, TheD'Arcy Brown, LiamEye Books2010CNjg
Erie Canal, The (Cruising America's Waterways)Daino Stack, Debbia Marquisee, Ronald S.Media Artists Inc.2001USem
Wilts and Berks Canal, TheDalby, JOakwood1971UKpb
On the Kennet and AvonDalby, L JKennet Horse Boat Co.1974UKjg
Suzhou - Epicenter of the Grand CanalDanielson, Eric NAmazon2017CNjg
Yangzhou - A Former Rival of SuzhouDanielson, Eric NAmazon2012CNjg
The Railway and Canal Traffic Acts 1854 to 1888Darlington, Hayward R.Reeves & Turner1889UKmb
Narrow Dog to Carcassonne: An improbable journey by narrowboat to the France nobody knows.Darlington, TerryBantam2005FRjg
Narrow Dog to Indian River: By English narrowboat through an America nobody knows.Darlington, TerryBantam2008USjg
Canals and Rivers of BritainDarwin, AndrewJ M Dent1976UKjg
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St. Lawrence Seaway, TheJudson, Clara IngramWheaton of Exeter1966CAjg
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Kanawha Navigation, The GreatKemp, Emory2000USz
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Delaware Canal, TheMcClellan, Robert J.1967USz
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Cumberland & Oxford Canal & the Canal Bank, TheMilliken, Philip I.1975USz
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Canal du Midi and Pierre-Paul Riquet, TheMorand, Jacques1993FRz
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Canal Parks, Museums and Characters of the Mid-AtlanticMulligan, Kate1999USiwi
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Great Waterway Loop of Wielkopolska, TheNadolny, GrzegorzWielkopolska Tourist Organisation2013PLjg
Bydgoszcz nad wodaNadolska, Anna, Kantorski, Karol and Wozniak, WojciechLeon Wyczolkowski District Museum2021PLjgIn English and Polish
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Canal, Cruises and ContentmentNeal, Austin EHeath Cranton1921UKpb
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British canalsNewton, H.Allan1948UKmb
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Black River Canal, An Informal History of the (Snubbing Posts)O'Donnell, Thomas C.1972USz
Erie Canal Legacy, Architectural Treasures of the Empire StateOlenick, Andy Reisem, Richard O.2000USz
Delaware & Hudson Canal and the Gravity Railroad, TheOsterberg, Matthew2002USz
Britain's Canal and River CraftPaget-Tomlinson, EdwardLandmark2005UK pb1st publ 1979
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Illustrated History of Canal and River Navigations, ThePaget-Tomlinson, EdwardSheffield Academic Press1993UKpbNumerous editions
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How to cheapen inland transitPalmer, Joseph E.Hodges et al.1896UKmb
Cycling the Erie CanalParks & Trails New YorkParks & Trails New York2021USjg
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, Reflections on the Decline and Fall of theParton, W. Julian1986USz
Building the Rideau Canal: a pictorial historyPassfield, RobertParks Canada1982CApb
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From the Thames to the SeinePears, CharlesGeorge W Jacobs & Co1910INTjg
Potomac River, ThePeck, GarrettHistory Press2012USjg
Thomas Telford: EngineerPenfold, Alastair (Ed.)Thomas Telford Ltd.1980UKpb
Who built the Panama Canal?Pepperman, W LeonJ M Dent1913PAjg
Little FallsPerkins, Susan R and Hopson, Caryl AArcadia2010USjg
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Tales from Peterborough and the Nene ValleyPhillips, David2012UKjg
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France, Small Boat ThroughPilkington, RogerMacmillan1964FR
Holland, Small Boat ThroughPilkington, RogerMacmillan1958NL
History & Legends of the European WaterwaysPilkington, RogerThe Book Guild1998INTjg
Tow, ThePoissonnier, Bruno trad. Armstrong, MaggieMétailié2002FRiwi
Voyage, The LastPoissonnier, Bruno trad. Armstrong, MaggieMétailié2002FRiwi
Narrow Boat VenturePoole, JohnThornhill Press1975UKjg
Canal PortsPorteous, DouglasAcademic Press1977UKpb
Cromford Canal, ThePotter, HughThe History Press2011UKjg
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Grand Contour Canal, The ProjectedPownall, JohnCotterell1942UKem
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Microcosm: or, a picturesque delineation of the arts, agriculture, manufacture, &c. of Great BritainPyne, W. H.Pyne1803UKmb
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Amazing Boat JourneysRawn, Nora (Ed)Lonely Planet2019INTjg
Along the Bude CanalRendell, JoanBossiney Books1980UKjgFirst published 1979.
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James Brindley: canal pioneerRichardson, ChristineWaterways World2004UKpb
Norwood TunnelRichardson, ChristineChesterfield Canal Trust2022UKjg
Stone to LondonRichardson, ChristineChesterfield Canal Trust2022UKjg
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Memories of a Wartime Canal BoatwomanRidgway, Nancy edited by Clarke, Mike and Peters, TimothyNational Waterways Museum2015UKmc
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Schuylkill Navigation, the: a Photographic HistoryRinker, Harry L.1991USz
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Narrow BoatRolt, L.T.C.Eyre & Spottiswoode1944UK
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