

Delegates gather for the opening session at the Chamber Theatre in Bydgoszcz, on 24 June 2024

WCC Bydgoszcz success

The World Canals Conference reverted to an on-site event in June 2024 after an on-line version in 2023. The event was based in Bydgoszcz in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region of Poland, where the Rivers Brda and Wisła (Vistula) meet, along with the old and new Bydgoszcz Canals.

EU calls for greater use of inland waterways

Inland waterways can play a pivotal role in the EU’s efforts to decarbonise the transport system, according to the Council of the European Union. In December 2022, the Council voted to approve the conclusions of the NAIADES III report on ‘Ongoing development of inland waterways transport’.

Navigating a Changing Climate

IWI is a member go the ‘Think Climate’ coalition under the auspices of PIANC (The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure), working on a far-reaching initiative Navigating a Changing Climate.

The passenger vessel Pelikan II leaves the giant Niederfinow lift during the opening ceremony on 4 October 2022. ©Tomáš Kolařík, Plavba a vodní cesty

Giant Niederfinow shiplift, Germany

A milestone in development of the European waterway network for 3000-tonne barges and push-tows was marked on Tuesday 4 October when the 36m-high Niederfinow shiplift was officially opened, on the Havel-Oder Canal.

The first vessel to pass through the new lift, with its striking architecture, was the Waterway Authority’s icebreaker Frankfurt. Barges and tankers up to 115m long can now transport cargoes between the Polish port of Szceczin and Berlin and beyond.

When we visited the site in May 2022, before attending the World Canals Conference in Leipzig, we saw that even a single-barge Polish push-tow had to split to pass through the original lift, opened in 1933, with its usable length of only 83.50m.

IWI news

Tag: World Canals Conference

WCC Buffalo news

IWI’s President Sharon Leighton looks forward to seeing members on her home waterway, the Erie Canal, on the occasion of its 200th anniversary, to be celebrated at the World Canals Conference on 21-25 September.

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