Inland waterways can play a pivotal role in the EU’s efforts to decarbonise the transport system, according to the Council of the European Union. In December 2022, the Council voted to approve the conclusions of the NAIADES III report on ‘Ongoing development of inland waterways transport’.
The report stresses the role inland waterways can play in the decongestion of urban agglomerations and in the shipment of heavy goods and large volumes of important construction materials, agricultural, steel, chemical and energy products.
It also recognises that inland waterways and ports form an essential component of multimodal transport. As such, they should be integrated in the revision of the Combined Transport Directive, with particular focus on seamless cross-border connections where geographically possible.
However, further development and coordination is needed to facilitate fleet renewal, where appropriate, to achieve greater transport efficiency, economic operation of smaller vessels, zero-emission mobility where possible, protecting the local environment of each waterway. Reliable and continuously well-maintained infrastructure is essential to successful development of inland water transport.
The sector faces the challenge of an ageing workforce and therefore must encourage a more diverse, age- and gender-balanced workforce as well as recruiting from other sectors.
The Council encourages member states to continue and intensify their cooperation in operating the River Information services (RIS) as well as the implementation of the regulation for information related to transport of goods, enabling better corridor management.
Both statutory and private investment will be needed to complete the NAIADES III action plan. Existing international cooperation and the expertise of river navigation commissions for cross-border coordination of waterway infrastructure development play a crucial role in developing inland waterways to their full potential. The Commission, member states and international partners are now called upon to work together to improve connectivity, securing seamless navigation and opening new market opportunities.