Ireland’s Waterways Map & Directory


Ireland’s Waterways Map & Directory

Third edition of Ireland’s Waterways. This edition, published in 2006, available to download as a pdf, includes a directory by Ruth Delany, giving general and historical descriptions of each waterway. The map shows the waterways which cross the island from north to south and east to west. Valuable for planning cruises in Ireland and visits to emblematic sites.

Scroll for a detailed description.


by Ruth Delany. This is the third edition of Ireland’s Waterways map, with a directory, showing the waterways which cross the island from north to south and east to west. The 48-page directory gives general and historical descriptions of each waterway by Ruth Delany, completed by practical information supplied by Waterways Ireland. The full-colour map shows more than 1000 kilometres of navigable canals, rivers, estuaries and lakes. All locks are shown, distances between junctions or key locations, navigable dimensions, boat harbours, waterway offices, and boat hire companies. The directory lists the available waterway guides and tourist organisations. Railways are also shown. Numerous enlargements. Dimensions 100 x 68 cm. Scale 1:500 000.
The map is one of many waterway network maps drawn and compiled by David Edwards-May. The Euromapping imprint is now managed by Transmanche Consultants and Publications.
N.B. The restoration of the Royal Canal was completed in 2010, after this edition was published.
The map is a valuable tool for planning visits to Ireland, cruises in private or hired boats.
Out of print. Currently available only as a downloadable pdf