Inland Waterways of North America


Inland Waterways of North America

Second edition, published May 2019. All the navigable waterways along the Great Lakes, the Atlantic Coast, the Mississippi River basin, and the Pacific Coast. A valuable planning map that shows all the abandoned canals that contributed greatly to the development of both nations: the United States and Canada.

Scroll for a detailed description.


Second edition
Published by Transmanche Publications, May 2019.

Reference map of the operating waterway network (12,000 miles of Corps of Engineers projects plus hundreds of miles of smaller navigations) and the routes of all the historic canals built across the eastern US and Canada from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.

There is much detail—scale 1:3.5M—from Sioux City in the west to Maine and Quebec in the east (plus insets and enlargements for peripheral waterways).

Published by Transmanche Publications in May 2019. The first edition was published by Euromapping in 2005 and included a 64-page directory.